Kelly Kegley

Chaos Coordinator

The first thing you need to know about me: if I want to do something, I will learn how to do it. I have gone from coding HTML emails, to video editing. I have worked as a freelance model and actress, as well as running the board on a morning show in a top 5 market. I have 10 years of Radio and Television Broadcasting experience, as well as 3 years in continuing education for healthcare professionals.I have waited tables, worked as a technical director and audio engineer for a city council broadcast, worked in an accounting department, edited videos, written blogs, boosted social media traffic, created marketing graphics and brochures, designed websites, programmed a smart home...

Bottom line: If you need it done, I'm your gal.

Hello, my name is

My favorite quote:

Hand Drawn Quotes Illustration

A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.

Hand Drawn Quotes Illustration

Franklin D Roosevelt

Kelly the Broadcaster

Kelly the Actress

Kay the Production Manager

Contact info


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